Title : Scarecrow Released : 1983 Genre : Drama Directed by : Rolan Bykov
: Christina Orbakajte, Yuri Nikulin, Yelena Sanaeva, Mitya Yegorov,
Kseniya Filippova, Anna Tolmachev, Marina Martanova, Svetlana Kryuchkov,
Rolan Bykov, Oleg Bykov, Konstantin Chekhov, Pavel Sanaev Masha
Artemov, Andrei Lomov, Kohl Manvelov , Dima Kruzhilin .
Description : Full of dramatic collisions film based on the story by B. Zheleznikova. Tale
of a shestiklassnitsey Lena Bessoltsevoy, for the first time in my life
had to deal with meanness and treachery, hardly anyone indifferent. Because not everyone in this situation can be and win. Expand From myself
: I do not think that this masterpiece needs to be advertising, and yet
I felt that since it involves not only teenagers, but quite another
couple of boys, the film has the right to stay on the portal. In
the title role - a girl, and inspired me sabzh appears briefly (he does
not even have a proper name, so - "four-eyes"), however, it is very
deep in my memory with a bright flash. In any case, if someone has not seen this film, and its relations students interested in the subject, see the need. I wept over him like a girl. By the way, a very interesting dramatic role Nikulina - I began to respect him much more after this picture.
Production : USSRDuration : 2 series / 1:02:53 + 00:57:24Language : RussianFile Format : AVIQuality : DVD-Rip (full restoration of picture and sound)Video : 2000 kb / s, 720x304, XviDAudio : AC3, 448 kb / s (6 ch)Size : 2.04 GB Download