Title: Color of Milk (Do not undress)Original title: Ikke Naken aka The Color of MilkReleased: 2004Genre: Comedy, RomanceDirector: Torun LianStarring:
Tobias Bøksle, Lars Brunborg, Celine Engebritsen, Mary Elizabeth A.
Hansen, Elias Holmen, Gitte Julsrud, August Karlseng, Marie Kinge, Julia
Krohn, Bernhard Naglestad.Description:Selma's mother died when her birth. On
the threshold of adulthood, 12-year-old Selma and her close friends
swear to each other that will never be friends with boys and when they
grow up, devoted himself entirely to scientific work. But her friends could disrupt bargain, and she had ever met my love ... Production: NorwayLength: 1:30:49Language: NorwegianSubtitles: English External; Russian foreign ( kitmur )FileFormat: AVIQuality: DVD-RipSize: 1.95 GBparameters for video and audio will add laterDownload: